New Book Series with Baylor University Press: Studies in Patristic Theology and Spirituality

Baylor University Press and the Series Editors invite proposals for a new series devoted to early Christianity and Patristic studies: Studies in Patristic Theology and Spirituality (hereafter, SPTS). SPTS explores the contours of Christian theology, Scripture and scriptural exegesis, and spirituality in early Christianity. Its theological and scriptural profile will focus on the shape of Christian thought during the early periods of the Christian Church. SPTS explores three broad categories and limits the temporal parameters to the first through sixth centuries:

  1. Theology: Individual volumes may explore how early Christian communities and theologians sought to express the theological and dogmatic commitments of the early Christian faith. 
  2. Scripture: Individual volumes may explore the use of Scripture, methods of exegesis, and a reading culture proper to the theological commitments of the early Christian faith. 
  3. Spirituality: Individual volumes may explore how Christians sought to express the Christian life and participation in the divine life. 

Several editors of this series are members of NAPS. The series aims to serve as a publishing venue for scholars of early Christianity. If you would like to see more about the series, the editorial board, and proposal process, please see the Baylor University Press Series Home Page here:

Stephen O. Presley:

Shawn J. Wilhite: