All-in Common? Money and Possessions in Early Christianity

What did Jesus and his disciples live on? How did the apostle Paul and his companions finance their missionary activities? Were the preachers of the first Christian generations paid? What forms did the material solidarity of the first Christian communities take?

These are the questions of the online symposium with Dr. Jonathan Cornillon. He is affiliated with the University de Sorbonne (Paris IV) and wrote “Tout en commun? La vie économique de Jésus et des premières générations chrétiennes” (Cerf Patrimoines, 2020).

After an introduction by Dr. Jonathan Cornillon, Dr. Bart Koet (Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology) and Augustine scholar Dr. Paul van Geest (Professor of Church History, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology) will give their reactions. The webinar closes with an opportunity for Q&A.

The economic life of the first Christian communities, from the preaching of Jesus until the end of the third century, was deeply connected with an ethical and solidary approach to poverty.
Nevertheless, from the preaching of Jesus onwards, there was an ambitious financing of proclamation and church life. The aim was to use resources efficiently, even if there were abuses or a lack of financial insight. Important was and remained the ideal that property was not only private but always communal. The memory of the preaching of Jesus and the practice of the first community in Jerusalem gave Christians an ambitious morality to put into practice.

Practical information
When: 15 October 2021, 15.00-16.30 hrs (3-4.30 PM, GMT +2).
Location: via zoom
Participation is free of charge. You can register via this link (