
Arab-Latin Glossary

The Arab and Latin Glossary  is a digital dictionary of vocabulary used in Arabic-Latin translations of the Middle Ages.  This dictionary is easy to use, and one must not even know Arabic to benefit from it.  A user must simply click on a word (an Arabic word transliterated into the Latin alphabet) and will be …

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Keywords in Augustine’s Letters

Keywords in Augustine’s Letters (KAL), in heiDATA: Heidelberg Research Data Repository, 2018. DOI: Distributed in the form of an Excel file, the KAL supplies keyword data for 252 Latin letters by Augustine, based on the CAG Online. The data should be useful to anyone who wants to study the style or content of Augustine’s letters.

Augustinian Correspondence Database

Augustinian Correspondence Database 3 (ACDb3), in heiDATA: Heidelberg Research Data Repository, 22017. DOI: Distributed in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, the ACDb3 contains all intertextual references noted in the editions of Alois Goldbacher, Klaus-Detlef Daur, and Johannes Divjak. In different sheets you find frequency of references sorted by content and scale of identifiability, a list …

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