Two Post-Doc Positions at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main – Commentary on John of Ephesus Ecclesiastical History

Within the project “Commentary on John of Ephesus’s Ecclesiastical History” (directed by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Leppin) financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Historisches Seminar, department Alte Geschichte, we invite applications for 2 post-graduate positions as Post-doctoral Researchers (m/f/d) (E13 TV-G-U).

The full-time positions are to be filled from 1st October 2022 onwards, limited to 36 months. An application for an extension of the project beyond the 36 months is planned. The salary is based on the job characteristics of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to Goethe University (TV-G-U).

The project will integrate historical and theological research on the Ecclesiastical History in a new critical edition, translation, and comprehensive commentary on the third part of this work. Open access digital and print versions of the edition, translation, and commentary are planned and preliminary digital publications in several repositories will invite feedback from the scholarly community during the course of the project. Collaboration with several digital humanities projects will also result in a suite of didactic aids to support students and scholars learning Syriac. For further information, please contact

We are looking for candidates with a scientific university degree and an excellent doctorate in Ancient Christianity, Ancient History, Classical Philology, History of Religion, Semitic Philology, Ancient Judaism, or related fields, very good knowledge of English as well as sufficient knowledge of Latin, ancient Greek and Syriac.

Please submit your complete application as PDF file with a statement of interest, a curriculum vitae, copies of your final university degrees, a copy of your doctoral thesis and up to three further publications, and statements on your knowledge of ancient languages no later than 30th April 2022 in electronic form to

Any costs in connection with a job interview can unfortunately not be covered.

The official job advertisement can be found here: